Given the success detective stories are having all over the world, and certainly in Italy, we will be inaugurating “La stagione in giallo” with Niccolò Ammaniti, Io non ho paura (2001), I Am Not Scared (translated by Johnathan Hunt, 2003). You can read the book in Italian or English, or listen to it as an audiobook in both languages. Come and discuss it with us while having some cake and gelato at Calabrisella’s Gelateria.
Category Archives: Events
The World Saved by Kids and Other Epics
Friday, October 19, 2018 at 6 PM – 9 PM Lookout Cafe
Poet and translator Cristina Viti will read from her translation of Elsa Morante’s The World Saved by Kids.
First published in Italian in 1968, The World Saved by Kids was written in the aftermath of deep personal change and in the context of what Elsa Morante called the “great youth movement exploding against the funereal machinations of the organized contemporary world.”
Morante believed that it was only the youth who could truly hear her revolutionary call. With the fiftieth anniversary of the tumultuous events of 1968 approaching, there couldn’t be a more timely moment for this first English translation of Morante’s work to appear.
Charity Lunch at Casanova’s Sun 30 Sept 1 PM
This year the Italian Film Festival Cardiff is taking place on 16-18 November and our friends and sponsors at Casanova’s have generously agreed to host a Charity Lunch on 30th September to help us raise some money for the Festival.
All proceedings from the lunch will go to the ICCW to cover costs of the Festival.
If you would like have a fab meal at a very fair price in one of the top restaurants in Cardiff and at the same time help us with funding our rich festival programme, please call Casanova’s Restaurant on 029 20344044 and book before it’s too late!
Danilo Balducci. The Invisible Line of Migration
Thursday, October 4, 2018 at 5:15 PM – 6:30 PM
Glamorgan Council Chamber, Cardiff University
This is a unique opportunity to meet leading international photographer, photo journalists and documentary photographer Danilo Balducci. His recent work focuses on migration and its contemporary routes. The event will include the projection of two short films and a selection of photographic material, accompanied by a discussion with the author. Further details can be found here:
We are hosting this event in partnership with the School of Modern Languages at University of Cardiff.
Alla ribalta! Theatre Workshop
The ICCW has organised a theatre workshop in Italian for children: four meetings from the end of September to the beginning of December.
The workshop is led by teacher, actress and musician Alice Muzzioli.
The children will create a story, write the script and invent the scenic realisation by bringing into play a variety of artistic and linguistic skills. All this in a playful and fun group atmosphere, completely immersed in the Italian language.
The workshop is designed for children and young people aged between 6 and 13 years. It will be held in Chapter on the following dates from 15.00 to 17:00:
Saturday 29/09; Saturday 13/10 ; Saturday 10/11; Saturday 01/12
Dome Bulfaro @ Casanova Restaurant
Rome Open City & Dome Bulfaro
The screening is preceded by a performance by Dome Bulfaro, a renowned Italian poet and artist.
We are putting this event on since we think that Italy is crossing a very critical phase and its fragile democracy is in real danger.
Since Matteo Salvini was sworn in as Italy’s Interior Minister, his controversial stance on immigration, Roma people and the European Union has made the headlines.
The press have dubbed him the European Donald Trump and commentators say he could pose a threat to the existence of the European Union as we know it.
This week he was in the news again, for refusing to allow another migrant rescue ship to dock in Italy and for his radical proposals to crack down on migration.
Here is the facebook link:
Remix the Cinema Workshop and Screening
Remix the Cinema
Penarth Pier Pavilion
Sunday 20 May 2018 8:30pm
The brainchild of two Italian artists who set original soundtracks to a montage of black and white films, Remix the Cinema is an immersive experience combing live music performance and cinema screening. Italian Cultural Centre Wales and Snowcat Cinema are delighted to host this unique event at Penarth Pier Pavilion promoting international artistic engagement and innovation in Cardiff and the Vale.
Before the screening there is an open workshop with the artists, offering hands-on experience of creative sound and image editing. Penarth-based artists Parry & Glynn will facilitate conversations and live drawing in and around the event.
Alberto Casati and Luca Acito are part of Action 30, a collective of artists, musicians, thinkers and activists who draw inspiration from the cultural ferment of 1930s Europe.
Screening: 8.00pm. Admission £8 | £4 concs available on the door and ticketsource
Workshop: 6.00pm. Admission free on the door.
Remix the Cinema @ Volcano Theatre Swansea – 18 May
We are delighted to announce the Italian duo, Remix the Cinema, will be visiting Swansea for their first UK event on their tour of Europe.
Taking place on Friday 18 May, 7pm @ Volcano Theatre in Swansea, Remix the Cinema is the brainchild of two Italian artists, who set original soundtracks to a montage of classic black and white films.
Remix the Cinema is a fully-immersive experience, combining both live music performance and a cinema screening.
Please help us spread the word`among friends, supporters and aficionados!
This is a ticketed event: £10 full price /£5 concessions on the door
Eventbrite link: Buy your ticket here
Italian Film Festival Cardiff 2017 Raffle!
Dear friends and fans,
We are happy to announce that following last year’s tremendous success, we are once again launching a raffle in occasion of our upcoming Italian Film Festival here in Cardiff!
This year’s raffle prizes are:
- Two tickets for a dress rehearsal at the Welsh National Opera
- Two-Course Dinner for two at Calabrisella’s
- A bottle of Italian wine from Vinitalia
There will be three separate draws, each with a first, second and third prize:
– Friday 24 November before Emma (First prize: Mozart – Don Giovanni dress rehearsal at WNO)
– Saturday 25 November before The Stuff of Dreams (First prize: Verdi – La Forza del Destino dress rehearsal at WNO)
– ay 26 November before At War for Love (First prize: Puccini – La Tosca dress rehearsal at WNO)
Prices are £2 for 1 ticket and £5 for 5 tickets. All tickets can be purchased directly at Chapter Arts Centre at our film festival stall. After each draw we will be announcing the winners on all our social media platforms as well as the ICCW website.
Autumn Programme
Il conciorto – A Veggie Concert
Enter Il Conciorto – a humorous and surreal musical experience where vegetables sing, telling their own intimate stories. Pop, rock and contemporary songs tell the lives of aubergines, peppers and courgettes speaking about the feelings of the gardener and telling stories of celebrity vegetable plots.
Acclaimed Italian musicians Bagini and Carlone, use electronic technology Arduino to accompany aubergines, carrots, courgettes and cucumbers with flutes, sax and guitars. Do not miss this unique sustainable live concert!
Tickets: £12/£10 Buy tickets here
Simonetta Agnello Hornby & Filomena Campus Cardiff
The ICCW is very very pleased to host a premiere event featuring writer Simonetta Agnello Hornby and singer/director Filomena Campus. The event, loosely adapted from Agnello Hornby’s book Il Male che si deve raccontare, is a brand new performance about domestic violence, never staged before and will be a mix of music, songs and spoken word.
The performance will be in English. Please find info and poster of the event below.
Sunflower Cafe, 1 Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff CF10 5EE
24 March 2017 6.30 pm
£12 (£10 ICCW members)
for info and booking
Book club #8

Bookclub #7
Dear friends,
Our bookclub continues with the short story La paura by Federico De Roberto.
Iconic director Ermanno Olmi based his latest masterpiece, Greenery Will Bloom Again, on De Roberto’s short story which will be screened in the Italian Film Festival Cardiff. After the film there will be a Backstage documentary followed by a Q&A with producer Elisabetta Olmi.
We will meet Wed 16 November at Sunflower&I , 1 Mount Stuart Square, Cardiff Bay, CF10 5EE at 8.30. Mixed language abilities welcome.
This event is free but seats are limited so book in advance via email to avoid disappointment.
Italian Language Week
The 22 October we will celebrate the XVI Italian Language Week !
From 10.00 to 11.00 am at Chapter Arts Centre our language maintenance class will be open to new young students. there will be music, masks and food! From 11.00 to 12.00 we will illustrate the Italian language portal, explain the importance of language maintenance with a focus on European policies, and we will outline our language maintenance programme for 2016-2017.
Come along!
Grazie @ Maria Pecchioli e Jo Coda
Language Maintenance @ Cardiff Central Library
In the Sea There are Crocodiles : meet author Fabio Geda
Our next Book Club event will be on Saturday 1 October from 6-8pm at Octavo’s Bookshop in West Bute Street, CF10 5LJ. Celebrated writer Fabio Geda will be joining us from Italy to discuss his acclaimed book In the Sea there are Crocodiles. This event is in English and Italian. Tickets are £3 for members and £5 non members (includes discount on signed copy).
In early 2002, Enaiatollah Akbari’s village fell prey to the Taliban. His mother, fearing for his life, led him across the border. So began Enaiat’s remarkable five-year ordeal—trekking across bitterly cold mountains, riding the suffocating false bottom of a truck, steering an inflatable raft in violent waters—through Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, and Greece, before he eventually sought political asylum in Italy, all before he turned fifteen years old.
In the Sea There Are Crocodiles Fabio Geda delivers the moving true story of Enaiat’s extraordinary will to survive and of the accidental brotherhood he found with the boys he met along the way. Geda brilliantly captures Enaiat’s engaging voice and humor, in what is a truly epic story of hope and survival, for readers of all ages.
Fabio Geda is an Italian writer who formerly worked with children in difficulties. He writes for several Italian magazines and newspapers, and teaches creative writing in the most famous Italian school of storytelling, the Scuola Holden in Turin. Since the international success of his best selling novel In the Sea There Are Crocodiles, Fabio devotes most of his time to writing and attending literary festivals around the world. In the Sea There Are Crocodiles is his first book to be translated into English and won the 2013 Marsh Award for Children’s Literature in Translation.
Language Maintenance Courses starting 24 September
Download Enrolment Form: language-maintenance-16-17
We are pleased to announce that the ICCW Language Maintenance Courses will resume on Saturday 24 September.
Our first lesson will be held at Cardiff Central Library from 10 to 11 am to celebrate European Day of Languages with our friends of Europe direct.
Our second lesson will be at Chapter Arts Centre on Saturday 1 October from 10-11 am and author Fabio Geda will be joining us and reading from his amazing book In the Sea there are Crocodiles.
Last but not least, on Saturday 22 October we will celebrate Italian Language World Week at our Language Maintenance class. This class is open to all and will be centred on our current topic ‘Viaggio in Italia’. The class will be followed by meeting with all parents interested to hear about the importance of Language Maintenance and the philosophy behind it. Continue reading