Io non ho paura / I’m Not Scared
Dir. Gabriele Salvatores | 2003 | 108 mins | Colour | Italy | Italian (subtitled) | 15
A young boy accidentally discovers a deep hole in the ground, where another boy is kept prisoner, in Gabriele Salvatores’ adaptation of the hit Niccolò Ammaniti novel. A best-seller in Italy, and translated into over 20 languages, the novel is first title of 2023’s ICCW Book Club. Read the novel in Italian (if you can!) and then come to see the big-screen version. You’re sure to meet lots of other Italian learners at the screening!

For more info on the book club, please email
Why you should see it: because it’s a brilliant mystery thriller!
Tickets £8.50 / £6.50 (conc) – ICCW members get 50p off their tickets
Snowcat Cinema does not screen adverts before the feature. There are usually one or two trailers for films that will be shown soon but we encourage people to arrive promptly for the advertised start time.